Freedom of Speech

This dramatic monologue stands as a beacon of light, illuminating the profound power, complexity and significance of freedom of speech. The speaker emerges as a sentinel of words, a guardian of this fundamental right, acknowledging its pivotal role as a cornerstone of our democracy. The words weave a narrative that underscores the weight of this freedom, a weight that comes with responsibilities and boundaries. The monologue explores the necessity of giving voice to even the most repugnant speech, while also recognizing the need to curb expressions that incite harm, propagate obscenity, or perpetuate fraud. It delves into the challenges of our digital age, the siren call of commercial speech, and the rise of misinformation. The speaker calls for discernment, education, and a commitment to rigorous honesty and responsible communication. They view freedom of speech as a precious legacy, a beacon to be wielded with wisdom and grace, and passed on to future generations.


In the boundless expanse where voices find their dance,
I stand, a sentinel of words, a guardian of speech.
I am the vessel that amplifies the whispers,
That pierces the thick shroud of silence, bringing thoughts within reach.

Freedom of speech, a virtue to be held high,
A cornerstone of democracy's noble edifice.
Yet, my friends, this freedom is not without its weight,
For its price is heavy, a burden we must acknowledge and address.

This liberty is not a gift bestowed lightly,
But earned through struggles fought with unwavering might.
In the pages of history, blood has been spilled,
To safeguard the right to voice opinions, to champion what's right.

But let us not forget, this freedom, vast and unending,
Does not discriminate, nor choose its kin.
It extends its shelter to all, both the virtuous and the vile,
For it's not confined to the speech that aligns with our whim.

Even the most repugnant speech, the words that make us flinch,
Must be granted its place in the public square.
For when we silence one, we risk silencing all,
Suppressing the very essence of freedom that we hold dear.

Yet, amidst the might of free expression,
There are boundaries that we must not neglect.
Obscenity, fraud, incitement to harm,
These strains of speech, we must rightly reject.

In the age of digital discourse, where words can incite or inspire,
We must discern speech that seeds harm's bitter fruit.
True threats and violations of property rights,
Must be held accountable, their evil deeds we must refute.

Commercial speech, a realm of its own,
Advertising's siren call, we must moderate.
In the pursuit of truth, we must not be misled,
Our discerning minds, we must educate, we must cultivate.

Let us remember, freedom of speech,
Does not mean an audience is held captive to our roar,
Others have the right to dissent, to disagree,
To choose what they listen to, what they choose to explore.

So, my friends, let us cherish this gift we possess,
But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.
To speak our truths, to engage in discourse,
While respecting the freedoms of others, maintaining civility.

In this era of misinformation and polarized debate,
Let us practice rigorous honesty, responsible communication.
For these are the actions that support both the spirit and letter,
Of this precious freedom, this cornerstone of our nation.

For freedom of speech is a precious gem,
A beacon that guides us in times of despair.
May we wield its power with wisdom and grace,
Ensuring its legacy, for generations to share.



Pragmatic Journey is Richard (rich) Wermske's life of recovery; a spiritual journey inspired by Buddhism, a career in technology and management with linux, digital security, bpm, and paralegal stuff; augmented with gaming, literature, philosophy, art and music; and compassionate kinship with all things living -- especially cats; and people with whom I share no common language.